It's amazing how much better the world appears when you're not sleep-deprived. I got a whopping seven hours last night and I feel like a new person. I got up early and finished critting one story and read and started critting the other. I should be able to get that done this afternoon and leave plenty of time to whittle down the remaining 120 pages of Anna Karenina. I feel very comfortable in my clothes. That makes me happy.
The sugar and caffeine are out of my system now and I'm vowing here and now that I will not be drinking any more Mountain Dew at least until after Conference. If I can just stay busy for the next three days (including all of Friday when I'm not running), no more all- or late-nighters should be necessary at least until after classes end. It just depends on how much work I will need to do after my group conference with Mark Spence. Since he seems determined that the work for any project or paper must be squeezed into one or two days, hopefully it will not be excessive. I've promised more than one person that I'm going out on Saturday night and having some FUN. Ellie's sister and brother-in-law, both Knox alums that I'm friends with, are coming to visit her, and Michelle and I have decided it's time to let loose before we buckle down on finals. Marnie is having a party, and I'm pretty sure Jenny will want to plan some kind of post-conference shindig. There is also a TKE party. =)
Yesterday it began to snow around 4 o'clock and it practically blizzarded until at least 2 AM. We had a hard workout, so we were running indoors. Marnie opened the fieldhouse door to let some cold air in, and it was a regular blizzard outside. At one point I bounded outside (wearing shorts and a sports bra) and threw a snowball at Drew, who proceeded to chase me. Very amusing. Later, after the athletic banquet, I was critting in the library, and through the window I could see Williston as if through a fog, the snow was so thick. It was beautiful. It's hard to believe that spring break begins in just twelve days.
Spring Break 2003 will mark the occurrence of the event mankind has been waiting for: the Spring Break 2003 Road Trip of Awesomeness! I love the mythology of the road trip--finding your way, living with your friends, being thrifty, seeing new places and meeting new people. I will try to update the ole blog during said trip. The plan is thus: me, Hannah, Mark, and Michelle will pile into Hannah's cute silver Tiberon (his name is Charlie) and drive to Clarksville. We will stay at my house for a couple of days. Then we will head north to East Lansing to stay at Mark's house for a couple of days. Then on to Chicago for the Hannah segment, which will include a visit to the Chicago Field Museum to see the Man-Eating Lion exhibit, and then last but certainly not least, Belvidere, Michelle's hometown. A good time is guaranteed for all. And not only that, this baby is affordable! We'll get to stay in peoples' comfy, warm houses, eat lots of home-cooked meals, and gas is lovingly provided by Hannah's grandparents, who have some sort of wild connection with a company and have provided her with the magical Gas Card of Life. I plan to be a camera/notebook fiend during this excursion, and will probably make a webpage with stories, quotes and pictures from the week.
Four friends. Eight days. Three states. One mission: to have fun! (Oh my, it should be a movie.) This is all that's keeping me going at the moment.
I can do it!
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