I want to thank those who commented and made me feel better about the crappy long run on Sunday. It helped a lot, and with that and a couple normal runs under my belt, I definitely feel better and more back to normal confidence-wise.
I went ahead and did four mile repeats yesterday. They went well, and my pace was about where it needed to be. I was working hard, but I felt like I was in control. Yay! I felt sore afterwards, but some chocolate milk and a Clif bar fixed me right up and I'm back to normal today. I swear, chocolate milk is a miraculous recovery drink. I think the reason I had trouble recovering from Sunday was that we had run out. ;-)
Now it's time to make goals for the Papa John's 10-Miler on Saturday. For this one, I mainly want to feel strong and controlled for the whole race, like I did in the 10K, and hopefully garner negative splits. My conservative goal is 1:25:00 (8:30 miles or so). My liberal goal is 1:22:30, which is about 8:15 miles. I'd like to think I can do that, but 10 miles is also four miles longer than any race I've done lately, and it's hard to say how that will go. This race includes some hills during the middle section, but they aren't too major, so I think keeping a fairly even pace is a realistic goal.
On a completely non-running related note, I am an unabashed American Idol watcher and I just have to say, after last night, that America is on CRACK. I like Sanjaya just fine. He's cute and sweet, he's got a great smile, and he's not a bad singer. But he is seriously outclassed. He really just needs to get a short haircut if having the longer scruffy look is going to tempt him to try heinous hairdos like that one from Tuesday night. I was traumatized.
good luck in your race...just listen to your inner runner to decide on what pace to go at...
Enjoy the 10 miler and stay in contol as you put it. I agree that Chocolate milk is great after a hard run. My reward to my body after a big event is Chocolate Milk and Twinkies. Not the best food choice but your body deserves the reward.
have fun and good luck.
America's not on crack. It all the people living in India paying attention to American culture to be better call center hosts that are pushing the voting in Sanjaya's favor.
Mir, your goals are not only doable, I think you may surprise yourself and exceed them! I haven't raced a 10-mile yet, but hope to soon. I'm very excited for you and can't wait to read the report.
I agree, AI is on crack. I cannot believe Sanjaya was not in the bottom three. Yick.
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