Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Colbert strikes back

This is beyond funny. One thing I wish Colbert had touched on is that our mascot is the Prairie Fire. I LOVE IT.


jen said...

That was great! :D

I can't believe your mascot is Prarie Fire. That's awesome.

Al Durham said...

He ha larious... looks like Colbert may have to call on the Prairie Fire to burn the diploma.

Mike said...

very nice!!!

Go Prairie Fire!!!!

Nitmos said...

I saw that when it first aired and wondered if it was the same college you referenced. Small world.

Good to see the medical fiasco is (almost) behind you. It's easier to move without a mental load weighing you down!

DawnB said...

Very funny!!!I saw this yesterday but did not have time to comment.
Have a great weekend