Here's how the week went:
Week 5
Sunday, November 11: 10 miles long (10.49 miles in 1:39:46 > 9:31/mile)
Monday, November 12: 4 miles GA (weights) (36:01 > 9:01/mile)
Tuesday, November 13: 3 miles easy (29:49 > 9:57/mile)
Wednesday, November 14: LT workout, 8 miles total (weights) (progression run, 1:09:59, 8:45/mile, fastest mile at 7:55)
Thursday, November 15: 3 miles easy/GA (27:51 > 9:17/mile)
Friday, November 16: off (weights) (7.94 miles in 30 min on stationary bike)
Saturday, November 17: Ryan Shay Memorial 5.5 Mile Run (49:14 > 8:58/mile)
Target: 33.5 (34.0)
And here is the plan for the coming week:
Week 6
Sunday, November 18: 8 miles long
Monday, November 19: 3 miles GA (weights)
Tuesday, November 20: off
Wednesday, November 21: 2 miles easy (weights)
Thursday, November 22: 5 mile race (7 miles total)
Friday, November 23: off (weights)
Saturday, November 24: 4 miles GA
Target: 23
I felt a little tired coming off that progression run on Wednesday. I ran 8 miles total; one warm-up mile at 9:37, and then six progressively faster miles at 9:09, 8:41, 8:25, 8:12, 7:59, and 7:55, then a cooldown mile at 9:57. This was all on the treadmill, so I didn't have to think about pacing. I aimed to start out fairly conservatively, end up at the low end of tempo pace, and average in my "steady-state" range (McMillan term), so I accomplished that. The workout felt great at the time, and I didn't even feel too bored on the treadmill since I got to change speeds so often. I was tired on Thursday and even some on Friday, but by today I felt fine. Still, the recovery week to come will not be unwelcome.
Today's run I spent reflecting on life's frailty, and in sending my thoughts out to Ryan Shay's wife, friends, and family, in hope that their healing has begun. I ran in the evening, finishing just at sunset. It was a peaceful, quiet run.
you had a good week. thats the nice thing about the treadmill never have to think about pace :) I'm more use to it now but I still don't like it. I worry most about zoning out and crashing on the treadmill.
Have a good coming week
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Great job on the workouts! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Turkey Day!
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