Thursday, March 06, 2008

I'm back! But, wait, no I'm not

For 13 glorious miles last night, I was sure that the mojo is back, I'm back in the saddle, things are going to be okay. Then just as I entered the 14th mile, the ball of my left foot started to ache a little. It felt like a bone bruise, not limp-inducing pain and although I knew it was in the same place as my foot pain from before, I wasn't too worried. But a seed of doubt had been planted, and it germinated overnight into what felt this morning like a full-blown relapse. I had to limp into work. It seems a little better now, but I don't know if running today is going to happen.

I'm just so frustrated right now.


Tracy Lightfoot said...

Jeez, that's a bummer! Tell me more about this weird foot pain. And, also, about the 15k you have coming up.

GB said...

I understand your frustration with this! But don't give up. Just take it easy a few days, ice like crazy, find ways to rehab that foot. Be persistant with getting better. Hold that head up!!! All will be well.

DawnB said...

geez mir your story sound kinda like mine. Hang in there and I hope it wasn't anything serious. We'll be back.

Mir said...

Tracy, it's some issue with the soft tissue just below my toes, kind of on the left side. I start feeling it as I run on the ball of my foot and then later it kind of tightens up and hurts whenever I flex or curl my foot. Hopefully it is better now...

And the 15K is part of a series held by an Indy Mini training group out of Bedford IN. I think it's kind of informal and small. I'm just hoping it's not too hilly. :)