Heh...yeah, didn't go to work yesterday because I got lightheaded and could barely sit up, much less walk around. It passed, fortunately, and I feel a lot better today, so here I am in the morning, playing catch up. More about spring break...
Monday: Slept in until probably 11 or so, and then I had some breakfast and we made sandwiches to take on the road. The printer wasn't working, so I just wrote out the directions to East Lansing. And we were off. It's probably been the only time I've been reluctant to leave Clarksville. Hurrah for friends. The trip to Michigan was pretty uneventful and I actually slept through a lot of it. I wasn't feeling very well. When we got to Mark's house, Michelle convinced me to run, and I actually felt a lot better for it. Hurrah for running. After the run we all showered and got started on dinner. Mark's mom, Joan, had left us some jumbalaya in the fridge, so we started some rice and some rolls to go with it. Mark's dad, Mike, got home during that and took over the cooking, and soon after Joan arrived with Craig, Mark's twin. We sat down to eat and it was like the best food I've ever tasted, I was so hungry.
After dinner and dessert (mmmm, cake) we decided to rent movies and ended up getting Muppets' Treasure Island and All Dogs go to Heaven. I slept through some of the Muppets movie (just not as good as the show) and was made fun of, especially since I was all for going right to bed.
More to come...
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