Monday, November 08, 2010

What Now? Syndrome: The aftermatch and new beginnings, I hope

Anyone who has read this blog for a while has probably come to expect long silences, but seriously, I have got to be the worst blogger ever!

In my defense: I was basically gone for the month of July--vacation in Maine, wedding in Iowa, Red Eye Relay, etc. Then we adopted this guy:

Then it was super hot and I couldn't motivate myself to run. Then the busy season at work started. It's still not quite over, but I have some breathing space now. Running has been completely derailed. For a lot of that time, I just didn't WANT to run. Even with Rudy, the new pup, who at 1.5 years of age is a bundle of energy and loves to run, I just wasn't getting out there very often. Then when the desire started to come back, I began to spend all my waking hours working. I ran only a handful of times in October, and November didn't get off to a great start either.

Now I WANT to run and just CAN'T, many days. I stare hungrily at people running while I'm driving to work. I ran my tune-up half (which was to be a NYQ attempt) in 1:49. I switched my fall marathon (which was to be a sub-3:30 attempt) to the half, and ran it in 1:58 (which is pretty good considering I wasn't sure if I could finish!). I just want to be (relatively) fast again. I miss that pleasant tired feeling (it has been replaced with unpleasant mental exhaustion). The only PR I set in the latter half of this year is that for working the most hours in one day (17). I know that 2010 isn't over, but, well, as far as running is concerned, it is and GOOD RIDDANCE.

I shouldn't complain. I do have a job (actually I have about three; I just get paid for one--ha), I have a wonderful husband and a rambunctious pup who makes our lives...interesting, I have a great house to which we did a ton of work this summer and fall (I hope to update the house blog with photos soon). But life just feels empty without running, without post-run brunches, and without raw, sweat-stung patches of chafe on my chest and legs. My brain feels like it's in a fog, and I know it's not JUST from lack of sleep and subsisting on coffee and junk food.

I think I suffered from What Now? Syndrome after Boston, as well as plain old burnout. It reminds me of the beginning of my running renaissance back in 2006-2007, when I had to remind myself that this is supposed to be FUN.

So here's a good thing: I am registered for Boston 2011. Goals? No idea. I don't know what's realistic at this point. I need to see how fast my fitness comes back once I actually get into running again. I am thinking either 3:30 (probably not), 3:40 (re-BQ--or at least until they lower the standards--gulp), or 3:50 (course PR). Boston is going to be fun--we'll have a bit of a Bloomington contingent going next year.

For now, I just need to run run run, and hope I can find time to do it.


DawnB said...

I've been strugling to get back on track since last years NYC marathon this whole year was a strugle for me and still is. I am just starting to feel ok again and looking forward to 2011. congratulations on getting into Boston I heard registration was close shortly after it open, training for Boston will be the motivaiton you need to help you get back on track. congratulations on you new pup he is adorable.

Elizabeth said...

I think that all runners need a break from time to time. You spent the summer focused on other things. You will get your speed back! And once you are back in the running grove, you'll be more grateful for the time you spent focused on other things in life. :-)

Nitmos said...

Finding time...yeah, isn't that always the problem?! I have to neglect my kids to find time.

arteryx jackets said...

I believe a lot of runners experienced this things too...but hang in there don't give up..Keep running...

kayan Association said...

Thank you very much for your wonderful